#10 Alain Trimino
Alain, #10, started playing power soccer in 2016 and joined the Thunder in 2019. As a soccer enthusiast, he has always enjoyed the sport but always wanted to play. He discovered power soccer through the Muscular Dystrophy Association. His favorite part of playing power soccer is the competitive nature of the game. As his nickname suggests, he is a warrior on the court, who fights hard and is always thinking ahead of his opponent.

Ryan was one of 5 players that began the Tampa Thunder in 2004. #14 has played every position on the Thunder, from goalie to forward and is currently one of the top goalies in the country. This athlete states that power soccer isn't just played on the field, but off as well. "Bad to the Bone" Coton is credited as the team's "historian", religiously reviewing game tape and developing strategies to help the Thunder build on their strengths and capitalize on the opportunities presented by the competition. Ryan said that he joined the Tampa Thunder to play the very first sport ever in his life.

Danny Gorman is one of the founding members of the Tampa Thunder. Danny started playing power soccer to have fun and to compete in a real competitive sport. In 2009, Danny was a member of the US National Power Soccer Team and competed in the World Cup in Tokyo, Japan. His game winning goal brought home the gold in 2009 and was part of the team that won the World Cup in 2011. After taking a couple years off Danny is back and ready to compete for a National Championship.

Ben has been with the Tampa Thunder since it began in 2004 and is currently the captain and starting midfielder of the Thunder. A current member of Team USA, Carpenter was drawn to the extremely competitive nature of the game, and wants nothing more than to help bring the championship trophy back to Tampa. "Power soccer has been one of the most pivotal experiences in my life and has helped me develop and grow by leaps and bounds, not only as a competitive player, but also as a person, in terms of maturity, leadership, and commitment."
"For the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack."

Commandos are known not only for their stealth, but their ability to be "silent and deadly". Make no mistake...the most important part of Andrew's well-earned nickname was "deadly". This soft-spoken player joined the team in 2008, and has helped the Thunder earn every goal and every victory since then. Andrew plays a variety of positions on the team, and was known for his ability to position himself so that the other team is left frustrated and confused. "Commando" said that he joined the team to use his incredible gaming and strategy skills in a real-world environment.
The entire Tampa Thunder family was saddened by the loss of Andrew early in 2014 after he was taken from us far too soon. Andrew is--and always will be--a member of the team.